Mondays are meeting days around here, and somehow they always take up more of the day that they should. They’re important, and I’m glad we have them because it’s the only time I really get to see the rest of the company, but they often suck up most of my day, between preparing, having, and post-action.
Some days are mundane, and this was one of them: Groceries, laundry, made a huge pot of vegetarian chili for the upcoming retreat, starting packing for said retreat, promised the dog that even though I was leaving her, I was not leaving-leaving her (she worries about such things, having been abandoned before, and I can empathize. After my mom left, it took me years and years to trust people who said they would stay. So I get it. Which makes it all the harder). But she and M are best of pals, and they will keep each other safe and entertained (I’m not entirely sure I’ve ever had a dog who makes me laugh so hard, or so often).
Tomorrow, I’m off to a writing retreat. No email. No social media. No doggy distractions. I’ll post my progress here, though, if you want to follow along.
Today’s Project(s): Tales from the Ninth World
Today in Writing: I reworked the two new short stories that I wrote for our most recent Kickstarter. They are both very, very weird, but I like rereading a story after so much time away. One punched me in the gut a little bit, which is always how I know that it might be working.
Today in Walking: 3.5 miles
Today I Loved: The Librarians. My house. The scent of vegetarian chili and BBQ chicken pizza.
Fiction words written today: —
Fiction words written this year: —
Total words written this year: 600
Total distance this year: 16.2 miles
Daily Dog: