Today got off to a slower start than yesterday. I read a bunch of short stories, the new issue of Saga, started Sex Criminals, took a long walk, ate breakfast, made coffee… They tell you not to start your book with your character waking up and having breakfast, and I buy that advice unless your character does super duper awesome amazing cool upon waking. Kills someone. Has mind-blowing sex. Creates a robot that makes you coffee and brings it to you in bed, with just the right amount of cream and sugar.
I did none of those things this morning. Instead, I moved through the world as if it was a bog. Deep. Dark. Slow. Teeming with dangerous things I couldn’t see. Step. Step. Step. Move. Swirl. Dip.
And then I sat down and got to writing.
Kiss kiss bang bang, s.
Today’s Project(s): Beautiful Names for Monstrous Things
Today in Writing: 3,500 words, but I don’t think I’m done yet. I might have a few more hours of writing in me today.
Today in Walking: 3.5 miles
Today I Loved: The way water sounds against a feather.
Fiction words written today: 3,500
Fiction words written this year: 8,1000
Total distance this year: 25.2 miles
Daily Shot:

Wow, sounds like a great day to me. I never get that much fiction done in a day. Keep creating, young lady.