Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast
SSiixx IImmppoossssiibbllee TThhiinnggss BBeeffoorree BBrreeaakkffaasstt

Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast

Last week’s six impossible things:

  1. Sex Out Loud: I got to play along with Kristina Wright, Alison Tyler, Sacchi Green and Delilah Devlin on Tristan Taormino’s Sex Out Loud radio program. You can still catch it at the archives if you want to have a listen. I read from “Shattered,” my sad-and-sexy erotic story about post traumatic stress disorder.
  2. BookLife Now: I also got to play over at BookLife Now, where I wrote a piece about using Pinterest to your advantage, whether you’re a writer, artist, game designer or other creative type. 
  3. I got to pose for a character in the Numenera corebook. It was fun and interesting and very, very hot under all that armor and all those lights.
  4. Chloe Caldwell published a moving and heart-hurting essay on binge eating.
  5. This beautiful art of candid superhero moments by Phil Noto got passed around.
  6. Scientists resurrected an extinct frog species through cloning.

Kiss kiss bang bang, s.


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